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Sunday, November 14, 2010


Product Details

From Disney Interactive Studios

List Price: $29.99
Price: $5.99

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Product Description

Turok is an epic, story-driven first person shooter game set on a dark, mysterious planet in the near future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a former Black Ops commando, now part of an elite Special Forces squad on a mission to take down a war criminal on a genetically-altered planet. After the ship is shot down while approaching the planet, Joseph Turok must use his instincts and elite military training to elude an army of well-trained soldiers, and the ravenous, unpredictable creatures that populate the dangerous environment. Joseph Turok's mission? Survive at all costs.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1895 in Video Games
  • Brand: Disney Interactive Studios
  • Model: 7000301
  • Released on: 2008-04-29
  • ESRB Rating: Mature
  • Platforms: Windows Vista, Windows XP
  • Format: DVD-ROM
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .53" h x 5.75" w x 7.75" l, .30 pounds


  • Strategic Combat ¿ Choose to take out your enemies with quiet kills or massive firepower.
  • Intense Dino Combat ¿ Battle vicious dinosaurs or lure them to attack your enemies
  • Explosive Weapons ¿ Choose from 13 deadly weapons with most featuring a secondary function
  • Intelligent A.I. ¿ Enemy soldiers advance to flank and dinosaurs reacts in unpredictable predatory and defensive behavior
  • Frenetic Multiplayer Action - Take the fight on-line with intense action for up to 16 players on dinosaur-infested maps

Customer Reviews

Great fun4 Turok is an entertaining game that doesn't deserve a lot of the negative reviews it's getting. To avoid being repetitive, I'll simply list the game's pros and cons, and then let potential buyers decide if it's a game for them: Pros - 1. Challenging - I found Turok much harder than many first person shooters. There were several areas that took me many tries to finish. Turok blends strategy with a run and shoot approach - you can usually plan your attack, but rarely is there anywhere to hide. The boss fights in particular were well done. 2. HUD - there isn't one, which may surprise/annoy some die-hards, but I found it refreshing. When you get hit, the periphery of the screen becomes red and you have to heal. If you take too many hits in a short period of time, you die. If you rest without being attacked, you heal fully. As I've noted, this makes Turok challenging - you don't have any special abilities (Crysis, FEAR) or armor (Half-Life, STALKER), and there aren't medkits lying all over the place (basically every shooter). 3. Dinosaurs - Just for the novelty of it. I mean, how often do you get to fight dinosaurs? Plus, graphically speaking, the dinos are the high point of the game. 4. Graphics - not the typically realistic Crysis style, but they still work. I found them immersive in a weird way. Others may disagree. 5. Weapon secondary fire - many of the secondary options on the weapons were creative and enjoyable. Many areas were almost impassible without using secondary fire; sometimes you needed to turn the mini-gun into a turret, fire a flare with the shotgun, or use the pulse-rifle's disruption grenades. I never got tired of using the knife's silent attack on dinos, though some have objected to the third person cut-scenes. 6. Checkpoints - huge plus in my opinion. There is supposed to be a quicksave, but it doesn't work, and I think that is a tremendous blessing in disguise. It makes the game even harder, which is saying something. Some of the checkpoints are easy, but others are very difficult. This may sound annoying, but only if you don't like a challenge. I never got tired of replaying the tough areas. 7. Production - Turok is well-designed and well-produced. I did not experience a single crash or bug during play. The levels were mostly well-made and had decent variety. The AI is solid. The plot doesn't get in the way. In general a well-made game. Cons - 1. Repetitive - Turok has little replay value. It is very entertaining the first time, but so linear that it would lose a lot of its charm the second time around. The game just isn't very varied; some shooters you can replay to take a different approach or use a different weapon, but I can't think of many places in Turok where I would change anything the second time. 2. Weapon variety - Like I said, the secondary features are great, but there isn't much variety. Nothing speaks to this more than having weapons you receive early in the game - the shotgun and pulse rifle - being the most effective weapons against the final boss. Indeed, I used the pulse rifle basically the whole game, because I found it the most useful against both mercs and dinos. The other weapons are too specialized, so much so that they are a liability in many fights (mini-gun is too unwieldy etc). The good news is that you have a lot of opportunities to change weapons. Other than that, Turok is a fun game - light on plot, heavy on action! BOUND FOR EXTINCTION2 What is truly amazing with this game is how trivial it looks and how fast it generates a feeling of "been there - done that". Yes, even if someone is new to the TUROK series - and I am not: I came with high expectations. Graphically the game is beautiful yet not very original - and I for one did not appreciate the ever present darkness...The designers probably aimed for atmospheric terror but they obviously overshot their mark. Apples and oranges, but Hitchcock always had his terrors well lit - and that made them unforgettable. There are quite a few cheap shots in this area. The dinosaurs are, well, ...JurassicPark-realistic (honestly, seen any real-life dinosaur lately?), whereas their growls and high-pitched pack-hunting sounds will keep raising the hairs in the back of your head no matter how many times encountered. The occasional sidekick's AI is neither brilliant nor disastrous. At least it is not a burden (remember DAIKATANA anyone?). I liked the weapons, both the realistic and the futuristic ones. The gameplay is pretty straightforward but I would have liked more freedom in remapping the control keys (certain choices are not possible). What I particularly did NOT like was the insertion of a (video) TP perspective whenever climbing stairs, opening doors or killing with the Kabar knife. I came across this peculiar approach in another game as well, TURNING POINT, in which it also outright ruined any immersion attempt. If I could I would rate it at 2&1/2 stars but decided to be generous (the little boy in me is still fascinated by dinosaurs) and rounded it up. The game makes par but is probably currently overpriced. My advice: wait for its fossil to hit the sale bins. Critisized to hard4 Ok first of ifind many reviews of this game overly critical< i found teh game quite enjoyable though not all together entirely imerseing, That's not a bad thing , as sometimes it is great to have a game you can just play and stop (i do have to tend to my game art design homework for school) first lets look at this games good points 1. Kick A-- graphics Via Unreal 3 engine 2. solid Level Design that is never confusing not frustrating 3. nice story 4. fun game play particularly the dino spots 5. KICK A-- knife scenes when you do a special knife kill Now the bad 1. not optimised properly for the PC and couldn't find a patch (in a very very few spots i ahd to turn my resolution down run at deccent frames , I have a very nice comp adn it runs UT3 flawlessly so this tells me they didnt really work on optimization for the pc version) 2. the drop/pick weapon system was a tad confusing but not to distracting 3. the knife cut scenes mention on the good list, ogt old after a while as tehy lacked variety Now For stuff i think peple were overly critical of 1. copying other FPSers , ok lets fact the facts here , today there really isnt much new you can do with shooters that hasnt already been done, while this game didn't bring any thing new to the table i can say waht it did do , it did well, it didnt break any thign about the engine it was built on, in that respect I was a quite solid game and i really can't understad why peopel would critize it for doing something that COUNTLESS shooters do regardless of rather or not thy are on the top of the cream, EVERY Shooter in some part boorws ideas from a diferent shooter, this is how genres work, if they didnt then there woudlnt be a need for genres in teh first place. 2. Linear game, well of course , not every game can be an oblivion , or a GTA. sure this one didnt offer the sprawlign enviroments of stalker , or the little sand box feel of GTA and Far cry.I t did offer a good story and some tactical variety you can play throguh it and do thigns differnetly to a degree. and quite hoenstly i'm sick of this sand box game mentality, the way i figure , it a sandboxc doesnt suit the story , then why have it ? and on turok i don't a sand box would have fit this game and story , so i think people have been rather harsh in thier persepective on this issue in their reviews. with all that said , i'd say the game is well worth at least 39 US dollars , i had the fortune of graping it at 8 bucks from here, if you can get it at a deal then do so it would be a steal. now the run down of my general avargae frame rate while palying in most spots my machine kept this game running at 40-60 fps at 1280x1024 witha f ew spots it dropped to 18-25 not bad but the game could have used some beter optimazations here. now my machine specs : AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black edition (oc'ed to 3ghz) 2 gigs of Giel DDR2-800(pc6400) ram Sound blaster X-fi xtreme music sound card Nvidia Geforce 9600GT 512 mb vid ram (from Leadtek) P.S. There is NO DRM on this game !!!!! :) so no hassles didnt even ahve a cd key , jsut a disk check to see if the g me is in the drive which shouldnt be an issues for any one two disck drives)

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